
The burpee broad jumps are the stations everyone loves to hate. Burpees are a simple exercise but can be tricky to get right and do in a way that doesn’t gas you out.

With the sled pull beforehand you may start to feel fatigued. But the good news it that after this one, you will have completed half of all the stations at Hyrox, so the end is in sight!

With the right technique, you can move efficiently and save valuable energy for the rest of the race.

In this guide, we will cover:

  • Movement Rules: Essential regulations for completing the Burpee Broad Jumps.
  • Technique Cues: How to perform the movement efficiently.
  • Common Faults & Best Practices: Mistakes to avoid and how to correct them.

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Rules of the Hyrox Burpee Broad Jump Station

Before focusing on technique, it’s important to understand the rules around the Burpee Broad Jump station as the judging of it has been a bit contentious in the community.

Staying Behind the Starting Line

When you begin, your first burpee must be performed with your hands behind the starting line. As you lie down on the floor, make sure your hands are positioned properly behind the designated line to avoid penalties.

Stepping In and Jumping Out

You are allowed to step in and step out of your burpee, but you must jump with both feet together. When jumping forward, ensure that both feet leave the ground simultaneously and land together. No hopping or skipping is permitted.

Doubles Division Rule

In the doubles division, you can split the burpee broad jumps however you like. When switching with your partner, the non-working partner must walk behind and take over only after the other finishes their jump. When swapping, place your hands exactly where your partner’s feet landed.

Hands Placement

After each jump, your hands must go down on the ground where your feet were. This prevents “cheating” by inching forward and ensures a clean movement pattern. Judges are strict on this, so be mindful of hand placement during each transition.

Optimal Burpee Broad Jump Technique

Efficiency is key when it comes to burpee broad jumps, and there are two main techniques to choose from. Each offers pros and cons, so consider your fitness level and energy output before deciding which works best for you.

1. Step-Up Method

The step-up method is slower but less taxing on your body. In this technique, you lay down for the burpee, then step one foot up at a time before jumping forward.

  • Lower Heart Rate: This method allows you to control your breathing and moderate your pace. It’s especially helpful for those looking to conserve energy during this long and challenging station.
  • Foot Placement: The slower movement makes it easier to ensure that your feet stay together, helping you adhere to the competition’s strict rules.
  • Continuous Forward Movement: A critical tip for this method is to always keep moving forward. Avoid standing up fully between steps. Stay low to the ground to reduce wasted energy and prepare for the next jump more quickly.

2. Jump-Up Method

The jump-up method is faster but more demanding. Here, you jump both feet up simultaneously after each burpee, allowing for a more dynamic and quicker movement.

  • Faster, But Costly: While this method is quicker, it demands more from your body, particularly your hip flexors. It’s ideal for athletes who feel strong and want to shave off valuable seconds, but keep in mind that it will raise your heart rate and tire you out faster.
  • Stay Low: Similar to the step-up method, focus on staying low as you land. When you jump forward, land with soft knees, almost in a squat position, and immediately transition into the next burpee. This minimizes time spent standing upright and maximizes efficiency.

Common Burpee Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Despite your best efforts, it’s easy to fall into bad habits during burpee broad jumps. Here are some common mistakes and how to correct them.

1. Standing Too Tall Between Movements

One of the most frequent errors is standing fully upright between jumps. This wastes energy and slows you down, as it takes longer to drop back into the next burpee. To avoid this, focus on landing in a low, squat-like position after each jump. This way, you can quickly transition into the next burpee without losing momentum.

2. Landing with Straight Legs

Athletes often land with their legs straight and locked out, particularly when they’re fatigued. Not only does this put strain on the knees, but it also slows your transition into the next movement. Instead, aim to land softly with bent knees. This will allow you to “fall” into your next burpee and keep the movement smooth and continuous.

3. Jumping Without Control

Another common fault is losing control during the jump. Whether it’s a lack of coordination or fatigue setting in, this can result in sloppy form, where the feet don’t land together or you fall off balance. Practice controlled jumps during training to ensure consistency and precision during the race.

Final Tips for Burpee Broad Jump Success

  • Pace Yourself: It’s tempting to go fast during this station, but it’s important to pace yourself. Burpee broad jumps are long and grueling, so control your breathing and focus on a steady, sustainable rhythm.
  • Stay Low: Whether you use the step-up or jump-up method, staying low is key. The quicker you transition between movements, the more efficient your performance will be.
  • Focus on Foot Placement: Ensure that both feet land together and keep your hands in line with where your feet were. This will help you avoid any penalties and keep your movement pattern clean.

By applying these tips and refining your technique, you’ll be able to move faster and more efficiently during the Burpee Broad Jump station. Every second counts, and improving your form will make a significant difference in your overall Hyrox performance.


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