
The Hybrid Athlete Club

The Hybrid Athlete Club is not a members-only club! It’s an inclusive community in the pursuit of healthy and fulfilling lives.

Our foundations are built on the collective conviction that as a team, we can positively influence and ultimately manifest personal growth and that in doing so, we can inspire others to realise their potential.

The Vision

We are the Hybrid Athlete Club. We exist to inspire our members to believe in their potential and to realise it with ruthless passion.

The Mission

Serve our community with unwavering persistence by providing a consistent source of support and accountability.

Success doesn’t discriminate and neither does our commitment to creating a platform of sustainable health and performance for all.

Club Ethos

Observe / follow / Enjoy

These are the pillars of our community. They inspire our actions, steer our passion and they hold us accountable to a set of beliefs that will always point us in the direction of the finish line.


Dedicate yourself to the pursuit of performance. But sacrifice only when the reward is greater than the loss. Friends, family and your life outside the gym matter.  


A healthy you is capable of helping others. Prioritise yourself so that when called upon, you can be there for those who need you.


Action precedes motivation. Consistent small wins will create momentum and with it, we can set sights on our greatest ambitions.


Celebrate wins no matter how small and be great at feeling pride and satisfaction. But always check your ego, and never let success stunt your willingness to go again.  


This sh!? takes time! But the more stable your foundations, the higher you can climb. Find fulfilment in the process and the results will come – promise.

The Team

Educate / Motivate / Empower


Since 2012 I have been working alongside people like you to discover and live a healthy life. Over the years the methods and the means might have changed a bit, but the underlying desire to be a part of this journey of self-discovery has never wavered. 

For the last decade, my own journey has been steered by CrossFit. After rupturing my glute on a bike ride, I walked into a CrossFit box in Essex looking to match my running ability with strength and skills – I instantly caught the bug, real good! It’s been ten incredible years of growing as a person and peer, developing my craft as a coach and piecing together a vision of how I can give back to the world with that coaching. 

Today, you meet me as the man who loves to be capable of saying yes! Yes to any and all fitness challenges. Yes to helping people run at their own challenges head first and yes to dedicating the next several decades to being that yes man for you.


In 2017 I stepped on stage as a bikini competitor and whilst the experience was incredible and one I’d never change, it opened my eyes to the need for a holistic approach to health and fitness. 

From this point on my nutrition hobby of 10 years became a business – Longevity Lifestyle. Today, I bring my experience with hundreds of individuals to The Hybrid Athlete Club. Ultimately, I want to help people like you find what health means to you. Through subtle, but effective nutrition and lifestyle changes, we can not only help you perform optimally but do so whilst being mindful of your overall wellbeing. 

There’s a balance to find and how we find it is different for everyone. The focus is always on you becoming more knowledgeable, so you are set for life; being able to make nutrition and lifestyle choices that will suit your goals as they twist and change.


Training began for me as a tool to improve my rugby. After a few caps for England Students, some shoulder injuries, and a lot of traveling, that chapter came to a close. CrossFit then emerged as the perfect fit. It balanced my love for lifting with the cardio I once dreaded and recreated the team atmosphere I missed, offering a community of like-minded people. I’m someone who doesn’t shy away from a challenge, like tackling a 4km open water event the same year I learned to swim, and love learning new stuff whether it’s the latest JavaScript framework or honing my Clean & Jerk. Ultimately, I’m passionate about guiding myself and others to excel. My goal now? To create a community where we push, inspire, and elevate each other to our utmost potential.